3 Critical Tips To Help You Declutter And Reorganize Your Home This Spring

Posted on: 5 April 2018


Are you excited about the arrival of spring? Are you getting ready to do a lot of spring cleaning? People often buy things that they don't necessarily need. Over time, this can result in a home that feels cluttered and messy even when it's actually clean. In order to restore your home to a more open and uncluttered feeling, a good cleaning may be exactly what you need. In order to get the most done with the least amount of effort, here are some things that you need to start doing:

Formulate a plan of attack: Which room is the most cluttered? Which is the least cluttered? If you're only able to focus your attention on one room this month, which one will make the most difference? These are things that you should decide ahead of time before you even start to get out any trash bags or prep your vehicle to drop off a load of donations at your favorite thrift store. It's better to underestimate what you can do rather than overestimate your abilities. For instance, if you plan to declutter your living room and also manage to tackle your bathroom, you're going to have more of a feeling of accomplishment than if you were to try to tackle all of your closets and only manage to sort through one or two.

Rent a dumpster: Some or the clutter, especially in your garage, is going to be caused by items that you can't use and that simply can't be fixed. While you could load up a pickup truck and make multiple trips to the dump, a better use of your time is to get a smaller dumpster from a local dumpster service and simply toss things out that way. Fortunately, rentals from a dumpster service are affordable, often significantly less expensive than multiple trips to the dump.

Set a timer: If you try to tackle the entire decluttering and cleaning process in just a day or two, you're going to get burnt out and may even give up. Schedule your time so that you're not doing any one task for more than an hour at a time. For instance, you might spend 5 minutes throwing away things that are obviously trash, 15 minutes gathering up things to donate, and then another 10 minutes figuring out where to put the things that you're keeping. Take a 15 minute break and then get back to work, alternating with trips to take any accumulated trash out to the dumpster that you've rented from the dumpster service. Varying your tasks will help to make sure that your mind doesn't wander and that you don't give up prematurely.

For more information, contact local professionals or visit sites like http://www.tri-statedisposal.com/.